
The two essays collected here contain in a certain sense the entire thought of Augusto Del Noce, his essential contribution to the philosophical and cultural debate: the first exposes his reinterpretation of the history of modern philosophy, the second one the transpolitic interpretation of contemporary history. If one refers to the problem of atheism, modern philosophy and Catholic Reformation, the other refers to the suicide of the revolution, the Communist Catholic, and to the book about Giovanni Gentile. In these pages it emerges the speculative strength of Del Noce, of his countercurrent reading of the modernity, showing aspects and outcomes mostly unseen. Outcomes that are marking, by their ambivalence, our present, between an accomplished secularization and an unexpected revival of a public function of religions.

Augusto Del Noce
Year of Publication
Translated in:
Encuentro (2016)
With the title:
Editori associati (tassonomia)