
Elaborating a thought on the African continent is an arduous task because the clichés and pseudo-certainties which, like a halo of mist, cloud reality, are too tenacious. After 1960, at the dawn of African independence, the Afro-Pessimist vulgate qualified Africa as an evil and drifting continent; an agonizing monster whose last few problems announced the imminent end. More recently, a rhetoric of euphoria and optimism seems to be born: the future will be African. Economists believe that Africa will be the next destination for international capital, because remuneration will be better than elsewhere. The current discourses on Africa are dominated by this double movement: the faith in a bright future and the consternation in front of a present that seems chaotic. In this moment of crisis of sense of the technical civilization, Felwine Sarr offers a different perspective of social life, coming from other mythological universes, lending them to the utopia of a common life, of balance, harmony and meaning.