Gli Stati Uniti e il Fascismo

Usually the deployment of the winners of the Second World War was presented as inextricably linked to democracy, or at least to the anti-fascist cause, since its origins. The anti-fascist powers would be totally unrelated to the authoritarian regimes. This book, dealing with such problems, captures the essence of American foreign policy in the Twenties, which aims to promote an impetuous growth of capital, with a particular fondness for countries - such as Italy - in which the order had been restored, even at the cost of resorting to force. The result is an illuminating picture of a stabilization policy that is not only aimed to pacify relations between European states, but also to the restoration of their capital structure, with the seal of a nascent international monetary cooperation of net deflationary mold.


Gian Giacomo Migone
Year of Publication
Translated in:
With the title:
The United States and Fascist Italy
Editori associati (tassonomia)