
Stasis is the name of the civil war in ancient Greece. Such a disquieting or unimaginable concept for the following political philosophy to not being subject to a proper doctrine, even by the theorists of the revolution. Yet, according to Giorgio Agamben, providing the first elements of a necessary "stasiology", civil war constitutes the fundamental edge of politicalization of the West, a device that in the course of history has alternatively allowed to depoliticise the citizenship and mobilize the impolitic, and that we see today plunging into the shape of terror on a planetary scale. Two antithesis poles contribute to this paradigm, of which Agamben reveals the secret solidarity: the classic one, according to which the civil war is coincidental to the polis, so that those who do not take part in it is deprived of political rights, and the modern one, represented by the Leviathan of Hobbes, which decrees the interdiction, but introduces a split - and with this the possibility of the civil war - within the very concept of the people.