Sermones V-VIII

After the publication of the first four Sermones of one of the most original voices of Academic Humanism at the end of the 15th century, it goes on the edition and translation from Latin of the academic prolutations by Antonio Urceo Codro (1446-1500), precursor, from his chair of Greek of the Alma Mater Studiorum (Bologna's University), of the greatest moralists of modern Europe. To didactic lessons on the importance of the Aristotelian categories (Sermo V) and on the usefulness of the Greek literature and the greatness of Homer (Sermones VII and VIII) contrasts, as per the master's costume, that skeptical and very modern idea of the fallacious character of all human knowledge (Sermo VI).
Antonio Urceo Codro
Year of Publication
Editori associati (tassonomia)