Eva Peron. Una biografia politica

About Eva Perón it has been written about much, but much remains to be told and understand. That's what makes this book using an enormous amount of unpublished sources. More than the myth of Eve throughout history. And not only that which has fueled the myth, that of St. Eve of the dispossessed. But even more than that of Eva policy, as was the enormous political power she exercised in Argentina after the war. Regarding her short but intense parable, the book touches on the vital nodes: her birth policy in the shadow of the military coup of June 1943, her national-catholic ideal world, the controversial relationship with Perón, the decisive influence in shaping the Peronist movement, her set in the context of twentieth-century populism. And finally, her icon image of the "right communism" or "left-wing fascism." That is, of unconscious testimony of the many bridges between the two sides.
The picture that emerges is that of an exceptional personality. It's a fascinating social phenomenon. But even if a figure on the one hand "dealt well" and gained immense popularity, for another credited the famous aphorism that "not enough to do good, but you have to do it well." Since the good hurt rather harmful. Eve was involved in a frantic process of social modernization also led through a kind of political primitivism. Through an inspiration that is a charismatic and authoritarian concept sheet, impermeable to the spirit of modern democracy. Of Peronism she did more than any other a secular religion, with its dogmas and its faithful, who clashed where he was not opposed but a heretic. Under the Eve of Peronism, in summary, Argentina entered the modern social policy that jumping. Her sort of religious path to modernity was an heralding tragedy.