La Tecnica nella Psicoanalisi infantile

The book stands as an attempt to revisit the main aspects of the theory and technique of child psychoanalysis in the light of Kleinian developments, particularly in light of the "catastrophic change" due to Bion, whose work is considered as an expansion of Kleinian and Freudian models, from which it originates. The author tries to carry out the project using mainly clinical situations that lively show the analyst and the patient at work.
The main ways of expression of the child in the consulting room (drawing, playing, dreaming, dialogue), starting with the relationship and passing through the concepts of "field" and "in-saturated, bring to a new conceptualization of the characters and events of the session, considered in their capacity as 'affective holograms', or as a syncretic expression and a dynamic interaction between the mental functioning of the patient and the analyst's work.

Antonino Ferro is a member of the Italian Psychoanalytic Society and the International Psychoanalytical Association.



Antonino Ferro
Year of Publication
Translated in:
With the title:
Das bipersonale Feld
Translated in:
Bookworm (2011)
With the title:
The Bi-Personal Field
Editori associati (tassonomia)