Sulla vocazione politica della filosofia

It is time for philosophy to return to the city. First of all to awaken it from that sleepwalking that the narcosis of light of capital has caused. But what margin does thought have in the globalized world, closed in on itself, unable to look outside and beyond? While being recalled to its political vocation, philosophy is driven not to forget its eccentricity, its atopy. Born from the death of Socrates, daughter of that political condemnation, survived to courageous leaps and epochal reversals, as in the twentieth century, philosophy risks to be the handmaid not only of science, but also of an emptied democracy, which confines it to a normative role. In this book, where she traces the lines of her own thought, between radical existentialism and new anarchism, Donatella Di Cesare reflects on the return of philosophy to the polis, which has become a global metropolis. Criticism and dissent are not enough. Mindful of defeat, exile, internal emigration, the philosophers return to forge an alliance with the defeated, to awaken their dreams.
Donatella Di Cesare
Publishing House
Year of Publication
Translated in:
With the title:
Sobre la vocación política de la filosofía
Editori associati (tassonomia)