Un pensiero in esilio

La filosofia di Rachel Bespaloff

Those who met her (Léon Chestov, Benjamin Fondane, Jean Wahl, Gabriel Marcel, Gaston Fessard, Jean-Paul Sartre...) considered her a woman of extraordinary intelligence and exceptional penetration; however, Rachel Bespaloff (1895-1949) is a philosopher still almost unknown. The rarity of the texts that she published during her lifetime, her existence interrupted too early, the difficulty in placing her in a particular school of thought, have not contributed to her notoriety. It is only recently, and in a confidential way, that we have witnessed the discreet rediscovery — or rather the pure and simple discovery — of a personality who is one of the most representative of European culture among -two war. This book proposes the first overall vision of a great protagonist of the philosophical debate in the 20th century.

Laura Sanò
Year of Publication
Translated in:
With the title:
Une pensée en exil