L'ultimo Marx

1881-1883. Saggio di biografia intellettuale
In the last years of his life, Karl Marx expanded his research in new directions: he studied recent anthropological discoveries, analyzed communal forms of property in pre-capitalist societies, supported the "populist" movement in Russia and criticized colonial oppression in India, Ireland, Algeria and Egypt. He travels outside Europe for the first and last time in his life. Marcello Musto offers here a masterful and pioneering study of Marx's late work, highlighting unpublished or previously neglected writings, many of which are not available in the French language. We discover in particular his criticism of European colonialism and his new developments on non-Western societies: he considers in particular the possibility of a revolution in non-capitalist countries. A different perception of Marx then emerges, at a time when there is growing interest throughout the world to rediscover this author beyond 20th century Marxism. This volume thereby fills an important gap while opening avenues for contemporary reflection on the left and its relationship with the countries of the South.