Il grido della pace

Peace is the cry of millions of men and women often drowned out by the sounds of weapons. The war in Ukraine and many other conflicts in the world always mean destruction, death and chaos, and unleash the worst forces. Andrea Riccardi reflects in these pages on the need to create a culture of peace and a spiritual and social movement that puts peace at the center of interest and politics. Anne Frank, hidden in Amsterdam, wrote: "There is in men an impulse to destruction, to massacre, to murder, to fury, and until all humanity, without exception, has undergone a metamorphosis, war will rage...". We can become artisans of peace: it depends on each of us. It is a choice that is at the beginning of building peace. Knowing, informing yourself, following events, being in solidarity with those who suffer from war, remembering in prayer means not looking the other way. A lively public opinion can influence and change national events and international policies. It can slow down, prevent war and open avenues for peace.

Andrea Riccardi
Year of Publication
Translated in:
Nové mesto (2024)
With the title:
Volanie po mieri
Editori associati (tassonomia)