Roma dall'alto

The volume features the most important experts in art history of Rome, according to the periods from ancient to contemporary times. Photography by helicopter allows the "bird's eye" vision, that reminds us of the landscape paintings of the '600 and '700. Thus we have the opportunity to capture individual buildings, monumental complexes or relationships between buildings with a new plasticity, which often allows a more concise reading of the works and a topographical consciousness. The ancient Rome and that of the 1600 and 1700, with its strong theatricality, have in common a living evidence, just think on the one hand to the Fori, the Pantheon, the Colosseum or the walls and on the other hand to squares and works by Bernini and Borromini. Other emergencies are ideal to a very interesting and fascinating reading, as the early Christian churches and basilicas or Renaissance masterpieces from the Campidoglio, and then to fly over the famous villas and gardens, that from below can never be caught in a glance. Even the Middle Ages give some surprises, and the contemporary age, with the EUR Rome that seems coming out of a metaphysical painting. The book is an interesting tool to support the art history, as well as a work of extreme pleasure. It is an innovative tool for scholars and also for amateurs, and proposes a brand new series of Rome's views.