Das Leben ist ungerecht
What does it lead us to an unjust life? What needs and rights are not negotiable to a life that can be considered worth to be lived? Macho addresses the problem of justice in life on an individual and a collective level, highlighting as no declaration of human rights and no social contract can heal the distance between the pain that everyone faces in his life and the indices of social progress. Throughout the history of Western culture, the Austrian philosopher outlines the attitudes of ancient peoples with respect to the evil and the need for multiple and different deities to justify it; he tells the great turning point of Christianity with an only free and sovereign God, of which it is possible to accept decisions only through faith; he analyzes the advent of the rationalism of Descartes and Pascal up to the contemporary thinkers who have moved the problem of justice on a geopolitical level. Four lessons to propose a new point of view on an issue that arises with the man.